Health and Safety Policy

Introduction and our Aim

Northern Fire-Tech is keen to ensure the safety of everyone who might be affected by our undertakings.  Not only for the purpose of fulfilling legislation but in having a genuine concern for everyones safety and welfare.   We undertake to do all that is reasonably practicable to ensure this safety, by having close co-operation between employees, visitors, contractors and other individuals.  We want to ensure a good health and safety culture both in performance and communication, and so we have comprehensive safety measures, documentation, and systems of work.   We will work with and comply with any necessary legislation including the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Construction (Design and Management) regulations 2015, where reasonably practicable and applicable to our business.

How we will achieve it

We will:

  • Institute and maintain safe working systems throughout the business for all our activities
  • Provide and maintain a safe and healthy working environment with good welfare facilities
  • Undertake risk assessments to identify hazards which we will then manage to prevent injury
  • Supervise and support our operatives
  • Provide training to ensure our operatives are fully competent and capable, including site induction
  • Obtain, where necessary, expert advice to detect the risks to health and safety arising from our activities and determining the most appropriate risk control systems and workplace precautions
  • Operate an open-door policy to promote and encourage communication
  • We will organise and support:
    • Safe plant and systems of work
    • Safe use, handling, transport and storage of substances and articles
    • Communication, information, instruction, training and supervision
    • Safe place of work, access and egress
    • Consultation with employees on all health, safety and welfare issues
    • We will keep up to date with legislation as applicable to the business activities and on a regular basis.

Accountability / Responsibility

  • The Directors have overall responsibility (D Green / S Kellett)
  • Employees will be made aware of their responsibilities, including working in a safe manner and following our procedures as well as legislation

We will review our performance regularly, and revise this policy and our other documentation as necessary and at regular intervals not exceeding 12 months from signature.

David Green, Director
1 August 2017

FIRAS accreditation